Puppy proof your home

Puppy proof your home

Playful and intelligent puppies investigate objects by touching, chewing and tasting them. Growing puppies love to explore, but need protection from household items that are dangerous if swallowed.

Dangerous Items to Keep Away From Your Puppy:

  • String, ribbon, yarn, sewing supplies and other small household items
  • Paper clips, erasers, staples, rubber bands, plastic bags and twist ties
  • Coins, small board game pieces, fragile keepsakes and ornaments
  • Medication, vitamins, pill bottles, dental floss, razors and cotton balls
  • Household and automotive chemicals
  • Toxic houseplants, including philodendron, mistletoe and poinsettia
  • Toxic garden plants, including lily, azalea, daffodil, tomato and hydrangea

More Ways to Keep Your Puppy Safe:

  • Provide pet-safe puppy toys to keep your puppy occupied
  • Use covered bins in your house and garage
  • Keep kitchen countertops clean and clear of food items to reduce temptation
  • Store household chemicals and poisons in a locked cabinet
  • Keep toilet lids down so your puppy can’t fall in or drink from the bowl
  • Keep electrical cords and wires out of sight or secured to walls
  • Secure dangling blind and curtain cords out of reach
  • Keep your dog indoors and safe from extreme weather conditions year-round

Dog caring services

Calming Collars

Calming Collars use a pheromone that mimics the one mother dogs produce to calm their puppies, the collars are clinically proven to reduce or eliminat…

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Useful Items for puppys

Water bowl Food bowl Food Treats Dog bed Leash and harness not needed initially Collar Name tags that include the puppy’s name and your phone nu…

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Puppy proof your home

Playful and intelligent puppies investigate objects by touching, chewing and tasting them. Growing puppies love to explore, but need protection from h…

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Toilet Training

Please know that what i am writing is purely based on my experience of living with dogs for most of my life, and lots of research and experience but g…

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Doggy Grooming

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Inbreeding, Line breeding and Cross breeding in Dogs

Written by Kate Schoeffel Bsc(hons)BVsc Some animal breeders, including many dog breeders, make a distinction between inbreeding (mating mother/son, f…

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